Dunns Creek Landcare Group


Dunns Creek Landcare has a long history of bringing the community together to target local land management issues. We are an active group on the Peninsula, with over 25 families/households in the Red Hill, Dromana and Merricks North areas currently involved.

We welcome enquiries and new members.

Joining is easy, simply register online by clicking on the ‘Get Involved’ button to the right of this page or download and return our Membership Brochure.

Please contact  President, Marcus O’Reilly with any enquiries: dunnscreeklandcare@gmail.com


Dunns Creek Landcare Summer Catch Up and Drinks

16 February @ 3:00 pm - 16 February @ 7:00 pm

Dunns Creek Landcare is hosting Summer drinks and snacks at Libby and David Booth’s farm “Kangerong”. New members welcome! Venue: 525 Dunns Creek Rd, Red Hill. Date: Sunday 16 February […]

How to Control Rabbits on your Property

22 February @ 10:00 am - 22 February @ 12:00 pm

Rabbits are a direct threat to indigenous vegetation and seriously disadvantage native animals due to competition for food and habitat. They cause soil instability and land degradation, threatening the environment, […]

Red Hill Show

8 March @ 10:00 am - 8 March @ 4:00 pm

Come along and meet the 2024 Victorian Landcare Award winner, Mornington Peninsula Landcare Network, at the 2025 Red Hill Show. We will have lots of helpful information to assist landholders […]

How to Develop a Weed Management Plan

9 March @ 10:00 am - 9 March @ 12:00 pm

Without an effective plan of attack, the task of controlling weeds can seem overwhelming. This workshop provides a practical approach to help landholders determine what’s achievable, where to start, and […]

The Bradley Method of Sensitive Weed Control

16 March @ 10:00 am - 16 March @ 12:00 pm

Joan and Eileen Bradley developed a series of weed control and native vegetation recovery techniques know as the ‘Bradley method’. It involves methodically clearing small areas in and around healthy […]

Friend or Foe? Weed Lookalikes Workshop

30 March @ 10:00 am - 30 March @ 12:00 pm

Do you know how to tell a European Blackberry apart from a Native Raspberry? Would you know a rare Muttonwood tree if you came across one while weeding Sweet Pittosporum? […]

How to Fund & Promote Your Pest Control Project

21 June @ 9:00 am - 21 June @ 3:00 pm

Invasive species like rabbits, foxes, deer, feral cats, and environmental weeds are taking a toll on our local ecosystems and biodiversity, threatening the very landscapes that make the Mornington Peninsula […]


Dunns Creek Biolink
The Dunns Creek Biolink is a project to implement the Dunns Creek Biolink Plan undertaken by the Mornington Peninsula Landcare Network as part of its Linking the Mornington Peninsula Landscape initiative in 2017.  The Dunns Creek Biolink seeks to reconnect two high habitat-value nature conservation reserves (Bald Hill and Kangerong) through bushland restoration and feral animal control across seven private properties.  The biolink enhances existing bushland through the removal of invasive plants in areas of remnant indigenous vegetation and re-planting indigenous trees and shrubs to create improved private-land connectivity. Forty-five hectares of habitat-altering weeds are being removed as part of the project.  In 2019, the community came together with the assistance of Raw Travel on National Tree Day to plant more than 1,000 indigenous trees and shrubs at Sussex farm. In 2020, an additional 1,500 indigenous plants have been installed on another biolink property. Fauna will be further protected through fox and rabbit control across 520 hectares and nest boxes installed on properties with an absence of hollow bearing trees. For more information, contact Landcare Facilitator Chantal Morton facilitator@mplandcare.org.au

Ongoing annual bushland restoration working bees:

Harrisons, McIlroys & Wallaces Roads