About Us
The Mornington Peninsula Landcare Network (MPLN) represents the 13 Landcare groups on the Mornington Peninsula. The MPLN was formed in 2014 to enable local Landcare groups to work together more effectively to address local land management issues and develop projects to enhance the environment.

The Mornington Peninsula Landcare Network is proud to have received the Landcare and Environmental Volunteer Network Award at the 2024 Victorian Landcare Award ceremony.
Our Mission
The mission of Mornington Peninsula Landcare Network is to protect and enhance the unique environment of the Mornington Peninsula by promoting responsible care of the land.
Key areas of interest
Mornington Peninsula Landcare Network has five major areas of interest:
- Reconnecting habitat (biolinks) – increasing native vegetation health, cover and connectivity across the landscape
- Protecting soil and water – promoting regenerative agricultural techniques and providing education regarding how to reduce chemical use, increase soil carbon, manage salinity with appropriate tree planting
- Controlling pest animals – promoting, facilitating and supporting groups to undertake feral animal control in key areas to protect Indigenous fauna
- Controlling weeds – reducing infestations of priority weeds on private land
- Addressing inappropriate clearing of Indigenous vegetation – promoting retention through targeted education programs
Whilst the MPLN’s focus to date has been on biolinks, the large number of new small acreage landholders to the peninsula has broadened our emphasis towards the promotion of sustainable agriculture. The Network is a starting point to access information, meet others with similar interests and link people with agencies and organisations that can help support community and Network activities and works.
Our key projects are the “Linking the Mornington Peninsula Landscape” (LMPL) Biolink planning project and the “Greens Bush to Arthurs Seat Biolink” (GB2AS). More information is available via our projects page.
The MPLN is a not-for-profit charity, registered with the Australian Charites and Not-For-Profits Commission (ACNC).