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Dunns Creek AGM @ Higinbotham’s Winery
4 August 2024 @ 5:00 pm - 6:30 pm
Free - does not include drinksAGM: Sunday 4th August 2024 from 5 pm
Higinbotham Winery 194 Nepean Highway Dromana
5 pm for wine, tea or coffee. Meeting to start right on 5.30pm
Welcome to all new members and guests
President’s Report, including Harrisons Rd working bee – Roadside weed eradicaon on this high conservation value roadside, Creation of a new walking track along Dunns Creek Rd – clearing and weed eradication, Dromana Community Gardens Potting shed
Treasurer’s Report
Report by Chantal Morton Landcare Facilitator on (completed) Dunns Creek catchment Biolink projects
Report on latest news including Community Landcare Grant opportunities
Election of Office Bearers
Nomination of reps to MP Landcare Network
New Position: Secretary/Membership Liaison – to track current and prospective members and keep members updated via email.
Nominations sought
Projects – what projects would the group like to do in 2024/5?
New Members are most Welcome!
Dunns Creek Landcare area comprises the creek catchment upstream from Moats Corner.
Primary Objective of Dunns Creek LandCare:
Encourage land management practices and make available information that promotes sustainable habitats/landscapes and sustainable agriculture, with particular reference to: Trees (Planting and Remnant Preservation), Wildlife Corridors, Biolinks, Salinity, Ragwort, Blackberries, Rabbits and Soil Erosion
Please feel encouraged to join us on the Committee! Just ask at at the meeting.
Dunns Creek Landcare committee meets only every so often, to touch base, have a drink, and follow up on projects and communications. Joining the committee is not a big commitment in terms of time, however it’s interesting and stimulating and you feel more part of our community.
Marcus O’Reilly. President, and Committee
(Dave, Les, Melissa, Helen, Brian, Zyg, Liz, Rick, Colin, Bill, Marcus and Freymond)
Enquiries and Membership: dunnscreeklandcare@gmail.com or Marcus O’Reilly 0419 372 628.
Payment, $20 p/a includes family to:
Bendigo Bank
BSB: 633 000
Account: 104 104 765