Watson Creek biolink


Watson Creek biolink

Watson Creek biolink (shaded light-green in the map below) in the Baxter-Langwarrin South area is designed to be a step in the reconnection of patches of remnant and rehabilitated native vegetation from Grant Rd Somerville (Inghams and Melbourne Water-managed land) to an area of native vegetation on private property in Baxter (on Frankston-Flinders Rd). This is part of a larger vision by Watson Creek Catchment Landcare group to restore connectivity of native vegetation up to Langwarrin Flora and Fauna Reserve in the north to where Watson Creek enters the Yaringa Marine National Park.

Map key*
Orange – Peninsula-wide biolinks; light-green – Watson Creek biolink; pink – Devilbend biolink (Western Linkage); purple – Sheepwash Creek biolink; darker green – Main Creek biolink; blue – Southwest Mornington Peninsula (SWMP) biolink
* Note that these shadings apply only when you are viewing the map in the default ‘Satellite’ view.

In October 2015 the Watson Creek Biolink Plan was finalised, detailing works that could be undertaken on 7 private properties in the area. Although these properties are not continuous, the works planned on them are an important first step and build on work already done by Watson Creek Landcare group, including a Communities for Nature Grant (undertaken in 2015) on 3 of the biolink properties

In December 2015, the following grants were awarded for works outlined in the Sheepwash Creek Biolink Plan:

  • Victorian state government Threatened Species Protection Initiative – awarded to Watson Creek Landcare Group for work on 3 biolink properties. Start January 2016.
  • Green Army (Round 4) – awarded to the Mornington Peninsula Landcare Network. Among the sites included in this grant are sites on 1 Watson Ck biolink property, and 4 Sheepwash Creek Biolink properties. Start date from July 2016.
  • What important wildlife habitat and plant communities is this project aiming to connect and protect?

    Watson Creek flows from its headwaters in Baxter and South Frankston, through Somerville and into Yaringa Marine National Park in Western Port. This area contains valuable native vegetation and is important for many native animals and migratory species.

    Watson Creek is impacted by a number of environmental threats, including loss of riparian vegetation, run-off from local townships, nutrient input and sedimentation. As a landholder, you can make a positive contribution to the health of Watson Creek and Western Port Bay through sustainable land management practices, such as revegetating with indigenous plants.