What are the benefits for your property?

As a landholder, hosting a section of biolink on your property means setting aside a portion of your land for native vegetation. What benefits can flow from this?

  • Well designed indigenous plantings can act as shelter belts for stock, protecting them from the extremes of wind, rain and sun.
  • Increasing the area of your property under perennial (year-round) native vegetation will:
  • reduce surface water runoff – reducing soil loss and increasing soil water retention
  • improve soil structure and nutrient cycling through year-round addition of organic matter (leaf litter, root mass)
  • reduce wind erosion of soil.
  • Participation may assist you to gain access to in-kind and financial support in future for control of weeds and feral animals (i.e. foxes and rabbits), fencing, and purchase and planting of native vegetation.