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Dunns Creek Landcare AGM
23 July 2023 @ 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm
5.15pm Arrive collect your wine or coffee
5.30pm (sharp) Meeting starts
- Welcome new members and guests
- President’s Report, including
- Harrisons Rd working bee – Roadside weed eradication on this high conservation value roadside
- Khyber Pass section of Dunns Creek Rd – weed clearance from the track to allow future worksite access
- Treasurer’s Report
- Report by Chantal Morton Landcare Facilitator on community landcare grant opportunities
- Election of Office Bearers
- Nomination of reps to MP Landcare Network
- Projects – what projects would the group like to do in 2023/4? Select dates for above working bees.
RSVP 20 July. Enquiries & Confirmation of payments: dunnscreeklandcare@gmail.com 0419 372 628
$20 family membership for 12 months to 30th June 2024 now due
Payments: Bendigo Bank BSB: 633 000 Account: 104 104 765 Dunns Creek Landcare
Dunns Creek Landcare area comprises the creek catchment upstream from Moats Corner.
Primary Objective of Dunns Creek LandCare:
Encourage land management practices that promote sustainable habitats/landscapes and sustainable agriculture, with particular reference to: *Trees (Planting and Remnant Preservation), Wildlife Corridors, Biolinks, Salinity, Ragwort, Blackberries, Rabbits and Soil Erosion
Dear Members and Friends,
The following office bearers are nominated, but additional self-nominations are welcome.
President: Marcus O’Reilly. Vice President: Colin Heseltine. Treasurer: Les Coleman.
General Committee: Mel Zerbe, David Gibb, Roger and Hannah Stuart-Andrews, Bill McDonough, Brian Coleman, Marcus Hoof, Rick Owen, Fraymond Lew
New Position: Secretary/Membership Liaison – to track current and prospective members and keep members updated via email. (dunnscreeklandcare@gmail.com) i.e. Forward Landcare network emails.
Dunns Creek Landcare committee meets only every so often, to touch base, drink wine, and follow up on projects and communications. Please consider joining the committee at least, without being an office bearer – add your wisdom and brainpower. Not a huge commitment in terms of time as most are by email, it’s interesting and stimulating and you feel more part of our community; satisfaction that you’re contributing to our community and not just standing by. These experiences broaden your knowledge of Landcare, enable you to make valuable contacts and increase your awareness of what, where and how Landcare is improving our unique Mornington Peninsula environment. Nomination forms will be available at the AGM. See you there.
Marcus O’Reilly. President