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How to Develop a Weed Management Plan

9 March @ 10:00 am - 12:00 pm


Without an effective plan of attack, the task of controlling weeds can seem overwhelming. This workshop provides a practical approach to help landholders determine what’s achievable, where to start, and how to develop an ongoing strategy for managing environmental weeds on their property.

The outcomes of environmental weed management can be substantially improved by approaching the task with a plan. A well thought-out plan that takes a strategic approach can make weed management tasks easier, more achievable and can result in significant savings of time, effort and money.

Delivered by EcoSkills, this workshop will help you to gain the knowledge and skills to create a well thought out Weed Management Plan for your property, from setting goals, priorities to timing, methodology, and monitoring for adaptive management.

Presented by the Mornington Peninsula Landcare Network as part of the ‘Partnering Against Pests on the Peninsula – a Landcare approach’ project.

Please wear suitable clothing for the weather and conditions, including hat, sunscreen and sturdy closed footwear.

There will be coffee and morning tea provided.

Cost: Free

Partnering to tackle Pests on the Peninsula – a Landcare approach is supported by the Victorian Government through the Partnerships Against Pests program.

Register for your free ticket here: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/how-to-develop-a-well-thought-out-weed-management-plan-tickets-1112135409949?aff=oddtdtcreator


52 Western Port Highway
Somerville, VIC 3912
+ Google Map